MORE exciting news!

MORE exciting news!

Over the past several years you have let us know how much our services have helped your pets. Well, we want to do even more for them! Our new home is enabling us to do just that. Veterinary spinal manipulation ("chiropractic") visits will include laser therapy, therapeutic exercises, stance analysis, or exercise review depending on individual needs. Those additional services will support your pet's spinal manipulation with the goal of even better results. We are adding a bit of time to each visit for those additional services so we do not detract from time needed for spinal manipulation. Our standard visit fee will be $80.00 which includes the additional time and services. Oh, one more thing. How would you like to purchase an eight pack of visits at our current price of $520? You got it! As a matter of fact, you may purchase two 8 packs per household.

We hope you are as excited as we are. We'll see you soon!


Sophisticated Cloud